Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mau nanya dong saat hamil gini aman ga sih kita tetep pake semacam hair tonic ( penyubur rambut ) itu ? td saat aku pake hair tonic temenku nyletuk loh hamil kok masih pake hairtonic. aku kaget dan waswas kalo mmg pemakaian hairtonic selama hamil tdk diperbolehkan. beneran ga tau deh..share ya moms. thanks


  1. Tergantung kandungannya apa aja mak.
    Klo produk rambut kyk cat rambut, hair spray dll emang mending dihindari :-)

  2. Kalo lagi hamil mending jangan pake dulu deh yg berkaitan sama bahan kimia kecuali atas rekomendasi dokter, kecuali yg herbal kayak minyak kemiri boleh kali.

  3. kl hairtonic siy jujurnya ga gitu tau
    yg ga boleh itu cat rambut, krn bahan kimianya berbahaya buat si baby
    mercuri jg ga boleh, pemutih kulit

  4. aku sih pake nya hairtonic mustika ratu mak. beneran deh aku ga tau huhuhuhuhu. mending bsk pas kontrol ke dsog kutanya saja ya.

  5. siap uni linda. utk safe nya mending ga usah pake ajah ya.

  6. oh begitu ya mba tin. ok ok mending stop aja deh.

  7. kalo yg cat rambut, pemutih ma hair color aku dah tau sih bupeb. awalnya kupikir hairtonic kan extract herbal gitu lho eh ternyata ada bahan kimianya juga huhuhuhu

  8. Lha, emang iya. Kenapa juga mesti pake hair tonic? Apa ada pengaruh baik bagi sang jabang bayi? Maksud saya, apakah hair tonic bisa bantu menumbuhkan rambut bayi dalam rahim?

  9. walah baru tau aku lun..soale aku gak pernah pake je jd gak ngerti

  10. wah lek menurutku sih lebih baik stop sik mb. toh rambutnya orang hamil lak biasane secara alami tambah apik, tambah tebel n berkilau pengaruh hormon

  11. Dari internet saya baca bahwa Hairtonic Mustika Ratu mengandung Climbazole
    Di internet aku cari pengaruhnya terhadap janin.
    Pada percobaan dengan tikus di mana tikus diberi makan climbazole sebanyak 7.2 mg / kilo berat badan maka tidak ada tanda-tanda keracunan pada ibu maupun janin.
    Karena hair tonik kagak diminum, saya kira aman-aman saja.
    Silahkan baca:

    di mana antara laen disebutkan:
    There were no signs of maternal or foetal toxicity at the lowest dose group of 7.2 mg/kg bw/day.
    Hair loss and minimal self-mutilation (scabbing) of the extremities and abdominal area were seen
    at 36 mg/kg bw/day. Most rats of the 100 mg/kg bw/day dosage group had varying degrees and
    combinations of red ocular and nasal discharge, anogenital staining, red vaginal discharge, hair
    loss of the forelimbs and abdominal area and self-mutilation (scabbing of open wounds) of the
    extremities and abdominal area. These observations decreased as the treatment period
    progressed. Increased activity was observed in many of the rats in the 100 mg/kg/day dosage
    group during the first few days of treatment, but was not evident after the fourth day of treatment.
    Reduced body weight gains at 36 mg/kg/day and body weight losses at 100 mg/kg bw/day were
    observed in the first three days of treatment. But these reductions were offset by increased body
    weight gains for the remainder of the gestation period. Four rats in the 100 mg/kg bw/day dosage
    group died by gestation day 10.
    There were no biologically meaningful differences in the mean number of implantations, corpora
    lutea, live foetuses, mean foetal body weights or male to female sex ratios between any of the
    treated groups and the control groups. The number of post implantation losses was significantly
    reduced in the 36 mg/kg/day dosage group, but not in other dose groups.
    The mean number of corpora lutea and implantations in all of the treatment groups were
    increased in comparison to the control group. Since ovulation and implantation in this study
    occurred prior to treatment these effects were not considered treatment related. The number of
    non-pregnant females was increased at 100 mg/kg bw/day. As implantation is considered to be a
    pre-treatment event this occurrence was not considered to be compound-related. An increased
    incidence of numbers of foetuses and litters with 27 presacral vertebrae, 14th rudimentary ribs,
    and 14th full ribs was noted at 36 and 100 mg/kg bw/day.
    Numbers of foetuses with malformations were 1, 2, 2, and 3 at 0, 7.2, 36, and 100 mg/kg bw/day,
    respectively. These malformations were of dissimilar type. Therefore, the study authors
    concluded that they were not indicative of a teratogenic response. At 36 and 100 mg/kg/d, the
    test substance showed maternal toxic effects.

  12. waduh, mantab deh penjelasnnya pak dokter ! *acung jempol*

  13. terimakasih sekali Opa. melegakan sekali artikel ini hehhee. semoga Tuhan yg membalas kebaikan Opa ya sampai dicarikan sourcenya. Thanks Opa

  14. iyo jeng muantap tenan Opa dokter ini. semoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu buat OPa

  15. aku pake hair tonic krn rambutku ruontok mas.

  16. iyo yo..aku pgn manjangin rambut jeh jeng tapi ruontoknya itu lho ga ketulungan. nah pake hairtonicnya mustika aku cocok tur murah heehe

  17. ehm...aku siy dulu sampe' hamil masih gonta-ganti warna rambut, pake' pewarna kimia pulak ...hihihi

  18. iyo lun biasa2 wae ga bermasalah, mungkin karena pendek jd ga ada masalah lun, piye potong pendek ae ya kyk aku hehehe

  19. klo di spa2 ibu hamil gtu kyke ada tonik yg aman
